
Our Structure

loghi-unitiEITI is coordinated by our ISO 9712 level 3 technical Director.

Cooperating with him, the company is managed by the responsible of Different Divisions:

  • Inspection & Expediting
  • Division (EITI Sideco)
  • NDT Division (EITI Qualytube)
    QA, Auditing & Monitoring

We are also monitored by our Ethic Committee.

Please find details of our structure and organization chart here attached.

Our strength: people

bottone-SidecoThe same people our customers were used to work with in the past, both with Sideco Inspection & Expediting or Qualytube, is now ready to continue the job taking the same attention and care. Your actual contact person will continue to assist you for any exigence you may have, working in a stronger organization and providing a full range of services and skills as never before.

You can download our organization chart here.

Please refer to the next pages to discover all our services.